TOP > Reports of Activities > Dr. Kotoku and Mr. Ohhashi, both of Deputy General Managers, delivered lectures at International Conference on Advancing the Global Implementation of Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Programs.

Dr. Kotoku and Mr. Ohhashi, both of Deputy General Managers, delivered lectures at International Conference on Advancing the Global Implementation of Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Programs. (May 23rd – May 27th, 2016)

“IAEA International Conference on Advancing the Global Implementation of Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Programs” was held in Madrid, Spain, from May 23rd to May 27th. In the session of “Technical and Technological Aspect of Implementing Decommissioning Program” on the third day (May 25th), Dr. Kotoku, Deputy General Manager of R&D strategy Planning Department, had lectured on “ Robot challenges for nuclear decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Power Station” and Mr. Ohhashi, Deputy General Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department, had made a presentation about “R&D outline for decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station” in the poster session.

Date & time:9:00 – 18:00, May 23rd (Mon) – May 27th (Thurs), 2016
Venue:Palacio Municipal de Congresos (Madrid, Spain)

With the participation of relevant parties who engage in the decommissioning work, this international conference is intended to advance effectively international efforts, and review issues and lesson-learned with regard to the decommissioning and environmental remediation in the past decade

Approximately 600 participants, such as policy makers, regulatory authorities, associations, technical specialists and etc., gathered in the conference.


[The exhibit poster “Overview of IRID R&D Projects”]
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  • Mr. Kotoku, Deputy General Manager, IRID


  • Mr. Ohhashi, Deputy General Manager, IRID


  • The exhibit panel

Reports of Activities