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Workshop at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
(December 12–14, 2018)

The International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID) has developed technologies for a canister that can be used to safely collect, transfer, and store fuel debris in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS). Based on workshops and discussions, IRID has exchanged technical information with international nuclear organizations and specialists.

The INL workshop was held as part of IRID’s “Development of Collection, Transfer and Storage for Fuel Debris” project, which has been designed to study the safety requirements and specifications for the collection, transfer, and storage of fuel debris.

Visit to

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho State, United States (U.S.)

Purpose of visit

The aim of the workshop was to improve the equipment and facility design for the collection and storage of fuel debris in the Fukushima Daiichi NPS through detailed technical reviews and discussions of IRID’s research results. Technical reviews were provided by experts, including researchers and engineers, with experience in fuel debris retrieval work in the U.S. (Three Mile Island Reactor No. 2, TMI-2) and storage and safety evaluation of fuel debris at the Pacific Northwest National Institute (PNNL) and Hanford site.


IRID has carried out safety and feasibility evaluations by discussions and exchange of information during the workshop. In addition, the U.S. experts at the workshop shared results from case studies, knowledge, and lessons learned regarding future handling approaches and storage methods for fuel debris including collection and drying methods. IRID obtained valuable information to proceed with the design.

  • Click [photos] to enlarge images.


  • Workshop participants at the INL
    [Japan: Members from IRID and the Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Cooperation (NDF), U.S.: Members from the INL and Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and engineers with experience in TMI-2 decommissioning].

  • Workshop in the INL meeting room
    (Discussion of provided information)

Reports of Activities