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Lecture by Hideo Ishibashi, the President of IRID, at the Chubu Atomic Power Conference
(May 29, 2018)

Hideo Ishibashi, the President of the International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID), delivered a commemorative lecture at the Chubu Atomic Power Conference on May 29, 2018. The lecture was titled “Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) and the Status of IRID’s R&D” and it focused on the status of IRID’s research and development (R&D) in fuel debris retrieval.

Over ninety people attended the one-and-a-half hour lecture. The audiences remarked that although the content of the lecture was difficult, the detailed talk was easy to understand, aided by the videos and the latest photos presenting an overview of the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS.

IRID continues to provide timely information on R&D for decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS.

  • Please click [photo] to enlarge the image.


  • Hideo Ishibashi, President of IRID


Reports of Activities