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6th Asian Nuclear Power Briefing 2018 (February 13, 2018)

Naoaki Okuzumi, Senior Manager of IRID’s R&D Strategy Planning Department, gave a lecture on "Current Status of Technology Development towards Fuel Debris Retrieval Conducted by IRID" at the 6th Asian Nuclear Power Briefing 2018, which was held in Tokyo on February 13, 2018.

The meeting featured lectures by Mr. Nobuo Tanaka, Chairman of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Mr. Noriaki Ozawa, Director-General for Energy and Environmental Policy, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI), and Mr. Naomi Hirose of Executive Vice Chairman, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO). IRID delivered a lecture on the status of the investigation inside the primary containment vessel, and research and development of fuel debris retrieval.

This seminar attracted nuclear specialists from various countries, such as the United Kingdom, German, Sweden, Ukraine, China, Malaysia, and others, to exchange opinions.

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  • Naoaki Okuzumi, Senior Manager of IRID’s R&D Strategy Planning Department



Reports of Activities