TOP > Human Resource Development > Naoaki Okuzumi, Senior Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department Gives Speech at Fukushima Research Conference (ConFDeC2017)

Naoaki Okuzumi, Senior Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department Gives Speech at Fukushima Research Conference (ConFDeC2017)
(September 5, 2017)

The Conference on Fuel Debris characterization 2017 (ConFDec 2017) was held at Tomioka Town Art & Media Center on September 5, 2017. IRID Senior Manager, Naoaki Okuzumi, gave a speech, entitled “Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) and research and development (R&D) for Fuel Debris Retrieval.” This conference was conducted in English.

Many people attended including students and their teachers, mainly from the University of Fukui, Osaka University and Kyushu University. The conference covered the status of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS, and R&D of decommissioning technology conducted by IRID. During the conference, attendees called into question the prospects of debris sampling.

IRID is committed to promoting positive cooperation with universities and research institutes via various lectures, including delivery of lectures on demands.

  • [Photos] Click image to enlarge.


  • Naoaki Okuzumi, Senior Manager, R&D Strategy Planning Department, IRID




Human Resource Development