What's New in 2017
- Dec. 25
- 【R&D TOPICS】Investigation Inside PCV / Development of a Device to Investigate inside PCV of Fukushima Daiichi NPS Unit 2 [Development by Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation] (December 22, 2017)
- Nov. 30
- Poster Display at “Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Naraha Remote Technology Development Center” (26 November 2017)
- Nov. 30
- Poster Display at “Iwaki Industry Festa: Iwaki Industry Innovation Exhibition / Business Matching EXPO 2017” (24-25 November 2017)
- Nov. 30
- Booth Display at “Robot Festa Fukushima 2017” (22-23 November 2017), R&D for the Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPS, and Introduction of Robots Developed by four IRID Member Companies
- Nov. 27
- Naoaki Okuzumi, Senior Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department, Gives Speech at the 26th Polymer Materials Forum (November 16, 2017)
- Nov. 27
- Vice President Dr. Tamio Arai Delivers Lecture at the Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Technical Committee on the Knowledge Innovation in the Manufacturing and Management (November 13, 2017)
- Nov. 27
- Poster Displays at “Special Exhibition of Nuclear Decommissioning and Operational Extension: Current Situation of Nuclear Power Stations in Fukui Prefecture.”(November 3-12, 2017)
- Nov. 27
- The University of Tokyo – IRID Workshop was Held (November 1, 2017)
- Nov. 14
- IRID Presentation at the MIT-Tokyo Tech Workshop on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems (October 27, 2017)
- Nov. 14
- IRID President Hideo Ishibashi Delivers Lecture at RADIEX 2017 (October 20, 2017)
- Nov. 14
- IRID Presentation at the 34th JAIF–KAIF Seminar on Nuclear Industry (October 16, 2017)
- Oct. 5
- IRID Lectures at the 2017 Fall Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan
- Oct. 5
- A Lecture by Vice President Dr. Tamio Arai at the National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College [Overview of Decommissioning Robot] (September 13, 2017)
- Sep. 27
- A Lecture by Kenro Takamori, General Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department, at Tohoku University Safety Seminar on Light Water Reactors (Overview of Nuclear Decommissioning) (September 21, 2017)
- Sep. 27
- Dr. Tamio Arai, IRID Vice President, Delivers Lecture at the Robotics Society of Japan Open Forum (September 11, 2017)
- Sep. 27
- Lecture by Vice President Dr. Tamio Arai and Kenro Takamori, General Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department, at the FY2017 JAEA 3rd Summer School (September 6, 2017)
- Sep. 15
- Naoaki Okuzumi, Senior Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department, Gives Speech at National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College (September 6, 2017)
- Sep. 15
- Naoaki Okuzumi, Senior Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department Gives Speech at Fukushima Research Conference (ConFDeC2017) (September 5, 2017)
- Sep. 15
- Visit to Mississippi State University and Hanford Site [Nuclear Waste Treatment Plant] in USA
- Aug. 24
- IRID Symposium 2017 in Iwaki City: - Challenging Toward Fuel Debris Retrieval -
- Aug. 1
- [R&D TOPICS] Full-scale Test for Repair Technology for Leakage Points inside the Primary Containment Vessel: Reinforcement of Suppression Chamber Support Columns [IRID / Hitachi GE Nuclear Energy] (July 31, 2017)
- Jul. 13
- Naoaki Okuzumi, IRID Senior Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department, Delivers Lecture. [Knowledge Management Society of Japan] (June 30, 2017)
- Jun. 28
- [R&D TOPICS] Full-scale testing of PCV Leakage Point Repairing Technology : Full-scale testing of Water Stoppage Technology by Filling in Suppression Chamber (S/C) [IRID / TOSHIBA] (June 24, 2017)
- Jun. 26
- [R&D TOPICS] Development of technology for criticality control in fuel debris retrieval: Development of “critical approach monitoring method” using Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA) (June 21, 2017)
- Jun. 23
- IRID Executive Director, Atsufumi Yoshizawa, Delivers Lecture [at Nagoya University](June 19, 2017)
- Jun. 23
- IRID Vice President, Dr. Tamio Arai, Delivers Lecture [Special Lecture at Japan Association for Automation Advancement General Meeting](June 3, 2017)
- Jun. 15
- [R&D TOPICS] Investigation inside Primary Containment Vessel (PCV): Development of Submersible Crawling Robot to Survey inside PCV of Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 [Development by TOSHIBA] (June 15, 2017)
- May. 16
- Lecture by IRID Executive Director Atsufumi Yoshizawa at ICAPP 2017 (April 28, 2017)
- Apr. 17
- [R&D TOPICS] Study on Fuel Debris Retrieval Method: “Reactor Pressure Vessel 1/1 Scale Model Test”, etc. [Development by Hitachi GE Nuclear Energy] (April 2017)
- Mar. 23
- Mr. Kuwabara, General Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department, Delivering Lecture, [KAST Educational Seminar: “Starting with ‘Decommissioning’ as a New Step”] (March 14, 2017)
- Mar. 22
- [R&D TOPICS] Development of “Flexible Structure Arm (Muscular Robot)” and Remote Operation Technology for Fuel Debris Retrieval [Developed by HITACHI GE Nuclear Energy] (March 2017)
- Mar. 21
- [R&D TOPICS] Development of “Robot Arm / Access Rail”; Testing of device for access inside the pedestal [Developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI)] (March, 2017)
- Feb. 17
- Mr. Naoaki Okuzumi, Senior Manager of R&D Strategy Planning Department, Delivering Lecture [Iwaki Manufacturing Academy, The 3rd Decommissioning Course] (February 9, 2017)
- Feb. 9
- Mr. Atsufumi Yoshizawa, Executive Director of IRID, Delivers Presentation at National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College (January 28, 2017)
- Feb. 7
- [R&D TOPICS] Development of Robot “PMORPH” for Investigation inside Unit 1 Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) (Investigation outside Pedestal Basement: B2 Investigation) [Developed by IRID and Hitachi GE Nuclear Energy] (February 3, 2017)
- Jan. 31
- Small Workshop Held with Tokyo Institute of Technology (January 20, 2017)
- Jan. 7
- The 4th International Advisors Meeting(November 30 – December 2, 2016)